

发布时间:2015/5/5 15:36:57


1、Jewry between tradition and secularism :Europe and Israel compared

2、Third world cities in global perspective :the political economy of uneven urbanization

3、The public space of social media :connected cultures of the network society


1、Piercing the veil of state enterprises in international arbitration

2、Tax treaties and developing countries

3、The international law of the sea

4、Exchange of information and bank secrecy

5、Business law in Japan-- cases and comments :intellectual property, civil, commercial and international private law : writings in honour of Harald Baum

6、The protection of trade secrets in China

7、China's anti-monopoly law :the first five years

8、Mergers and acquisitions and takeovers in China :a legal and cultural guide to new forms of investment

9、Corporate acquisitions and mergers in Hong Kong

10、Corporate acquisitions and mergers in the European Union

11、International social security

12、Labour and employment compliance in Russia

13、Social security and migrant workers :selected studies of cross-border social security mechanisms

14、Landmark cases in competition law :around the world in fourteen stories

15、Regulating gas liberalization :a comparative study on unbundling and open access regimes in the US, Europe, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan

16、Competition law in the BRICS countries

17、The law and regulation of payment services :a comparative study

18、Non-public actors in social security administration :a comparative study

19、Law and religion :national, international, and comparative perspectives

20、After Hiroshima :the United States, race and nuclear weapons in Asia, 1945-1965

21、Democracy prevention :the politics of the U.S.-Egyptian alliance

22、The territorial peace :borders, state development, and international conflict

23、The performative presidency :crisis and resurrection during the Clinton years

24、In search of power :African Americans in the era of decolonization, 1956-1974

25、Social class and stratification :classic statements and theoretical debates

26、European integration and consensus politics in the Low Countries

27、Township governance and institutionalization in China

28、Democratic statecraft :political realism and popular power

29、Digitizing government :understanding and implementing new digital business models

30、The son also rises :surnames and the history of social mobility

31、Compromise :a political and philosophical history


1、Sovereign risk and public-private partnership during the euro crisis

2、Financial systems at the crossroads :lessons for China

3、Financial reforms and developments in China

4、Asian monetary integration :coping with a new monetary order after the global crisis

5、China-EU trade disputes and their management

6、Socialist countries face the European Community :Soviet-bloc controversies over East-West trade

7、The Trans-Pacific Partnership :a quest for a twenty-first century trade agreement

8、The Oxford handbook of innovation management

9、Open innovation :researching a new paradigm

10、The Oxford handbook of innovation

11、The rise of Asian firms :strengths and strategies

12、The silk road rediscovered :how Indian and Chinese companies are becoming globally stronger by winning in each other's markets

13、A social market economy and European economic monetary union

14、New paradigm for interpreting the Chinese economy :theories, challenges and opportunities

15、China's trade, exchange rate and industrial policy structure

16、Megacity slums :social exclusion, space and urban policies in Brazil and India

17、China's many dreams :comparative perspectives on China's search for national rejuvenation

18、Capital in the twenty-first century 

19、Emerging capitalism in Central Europe and Southeast Asia :a comparison of political economies

20、Expulsions :brutality and complexity in the global economy


1、Rethinking rural literacies :transnational perspectives

2、Transnational higher education in the Asian context

3、School choice in China :a different tale?

4、Media accountability :who will watch the watchdog in the Twitter age?

5、Evaluating culture :well-being, institutions and circumstance


1、Ito Hirobumi :Japan's first prime minister and father of the Meiji Constitution

2、The struggle for the files :the Western allies and the return of German archives after the Second World War

3、Jewish identities in postcommunist Russia and Ukraine :an uncertain ethnicity

4、Twentieth century wars in European memory

5、The crisis of genocide

6、European self-reflection between politics and religion :the crisis of Europe in the 20th century


1、Communicable diseases in developing countries :stopping the global epidemics of HIV/aids, tuberculosis, malaria and diarrhoea